Contact Information
Current Address:
List the address to be used by VMCAS and your designated programs to correspond with you. Please ensure you keep this section up-to-date throughout the application cycle. This section of the application can be edited after application submission.
Permanent Address:
If this information is the same as your current address, check “yes” to automatically fill out this section. If not, please check “no” and indicate the street, city, state, and country/territory which you consider to be your permanent and/or legal residence.
Phone Number
You have already entered this information when you created your account, but you can view what you entered here. If you need to make changes to your phone number, click the link to your profile page to make those corrections.
E-Mail Address
You have already entered this information when you created your account, but you can view what you entered here. If you need to make changes to your email address, click the link to your profile page to make those corrections.