Other Information

Helpful Hints:

  • Report your primary school’s GPA in the Student Reported GPA
  • Remember that character counts include spaces
  • Summer break from school should not be included in “interval longer than 3 months”
  • If you are applying to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine outside of VMCAS, you MUSTreport that in this section of your application.

Language Proficiency:

Please select your native language from the drop-down menu. If you have experience with additional languages, You can click “Add Another Language” to add entries. Please indicate your level of proficiency for each additional language listed.

Military Status:

Select your current military status from the drop down menu if you have had U.S. military experience. Select “Not a member of the military” if this does not apply.


You must answer yes to this question if you ever  been convicted of either a felony. If your response is yes, you must provide a full explanation in the designated box. You have 360 characters for your response. If you are convicted of a felony prior to matriculation, it is your responsibility to IMMEDIATELY inform you designated program(s).


You must answer yes to this question if you ever  been convicted of either a misdemeanor. If your response is yes, you must provide a full explanation in the designated box. You have 360 characters for your response. If you are convicted of a misdemeanor prior to matriculation, it is your responsibility to IMMEDIATELY inform you designated program(s).

NOTE: Answering yes to the two previous questions will not automatically disqualify you from admission to veterinary school. As with most professional schools, veterinary schools understand that many individuals learn from the past and emerge stronger as a result. If, however, you fail to provide accurate information when answering this question, schools to which you have applied may reject your application.

Academic Infraction:

Indicate if you have ever been disciplined for academic performance (e.g. academic probation, dismissal, suspension, disqualification, etc.) by any college or school? Or if you have ever been disciplined for student conduct violations (e.g. academic probation, dismissal, suspension, disqualification, etc.) by any college or school? If so, provide an explanation.

Additional Information

Provide answers to the financial aid, assistance and family background questions . Additionally you may describe any special life circumstances. You may also indicate a second choice of major.

Current Student Status

Select only one choice from the drop-down menu. Choose the option which describes your status as of your most recently completed semester.

Student Reported GPA

If you have attended multiple colleges, list the GPA for your primary college. “Primary” indicates whether the selected institution is the primary institution from which you earned your undergraduate or bachelor’s degree, or the most credits, or completed the majority of your prerequisites.

Has there been any interval longer than 3 months during which you were not either enrolled as a student or employed?

360 characters have been allotted for your response.

Regional Application (MANDATORY)

You are a WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) applicant if you are a resident of Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, or Wyoming AND if you have applied for and/or received notice from the certifying office in your state that you are a duly certified applicant for the Professional Student Exchange Program. For further information, contact your WICHE State Certifying Office whose contact information is listed athttp://www.wiche.edu/psep/cert-off . Additional information about  how WICHE PSEP applicants are selected for support in veterinary medicine is located athttp://wiche.edu/info/publications/HowWICHEselectsPSEPstudents.pdf .

 Other Applications

  • If you are applying to a veterinary medical college other than those you checked in the College Designations section, please select the college using the “Application” drop-down boxes provided.
  • Leave this section blank only if you are applying to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine through VMCAS only, and click the link for the next section in the application.
  • Any information entered in the “Other Applications” section will not be sent to your designated schools.

Previous Applications

  • If you have previously applied to one or more Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, list all years for which you submitted applications.
  • For each application submitted, please select the entering year of the fall semester.
  • Report only applications submitted before the current VMCAS application cycle in this section. Please do not report the entering year for the current application cycle (2016) or the entering year for any future application cycles.


Q: What is a WICHE application?

A: You are a WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) applicant if you are a resident of Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, or Wyoming AND if you have applied for and/or received notice from the certifying office in your state that you are a duly certified applicant for the Professional Student Exchange Program. For further information, contact your WICHE State Certifying Office whose contact information is listed at http://www.wiche.edu/states. Additional information about WICHE’s “cooperative admissions procedure” for veterinary medicine is located athttp://www.wiche.edu/psep/vetmed.